Autism Post: Special Interests

Dear Readers,

In today’s post I want to talk about Special Interests as they apply to Autism. Please note that I am not a doctor and I am only talking about my own experiences of this as an autistic person. Please also note that all autistic people are different and experiences may vary. 

Continue reading “Autism Post: Special Interests”

Autistic Burnout/Fatigue

Dear Readers,

I am writing today about Autistic Burnout / Fatigue because I happen to be experiencing it right now. I started doing some research into it and I found that apparently this is only a newly documented phenomenon (about 5 years). Not that this did not occur more than 5 years ago, rather I believe that no one paid much attention to what autistic people said about themselves before then. 

Continue reading “Autistic Burnout/Fatigue”

Hyposensitive Vs Hypersensitive

Note these are reposts from my Instagram posts that I did for Autism Awareness Month. Please feel free to contact me with any comments or questions that you have.

P.s. Some one did mention to me that my issues with my bodily needs might be less hypo sensitivity and more problems with interoception, I am still looking into this.

Cape Town Holiday Number 2

Dear Readers,

Husband and I are going to be going back to Cape Town again, this time for my sister’s wedding celebration. We are leaving next weekend and only coming back in the first week of June!

I know that for some people this sort of thing is a period of great excitement. Flying overseas, seeing lots of people, being in a different place. But for me as an autistic person this is a period of great stress, anxiety and major change.

I will try to keep blogging and taking photos to share with you. And I have scheduled a few posts from my April Autism Awareness to share over the next few weeks but I am not sure how much new content I will manage until we are back.

I hope that you are all crafty and well.
Peace and Love,