If a crafter crafts and does not post about it, did they craft at all?

The post is going to be a bit ironic as I have been quite prolifically on social media for the last 20 or so years!  

Just to clarify that this is not meant as a judgement or as an instruction. This post is more of a personal evaluation/exploration of the idea. 

“If a crafter crafts and does not post about it, did they craft at all?” 

Continue reading “If a crafter crafts and does not post about it, did they craft at all?”

Tea With Mother and Me: Episode 2

Dear Readers,

Here is the next installment of Tea with Mother and Me:

Incase you missed it, we have renamed my knitting podcast to “Tea with Mother and Me” to reflect that my mother and I are now doing it together.

Links to people and shops spoken about:
Odd Sock House: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/OddSockH…
Natural Yarns: https://naturalyarns.co.za/ Natural Yarns Stock both Lily Rose and Miss La Motte

Hope that you have enjoyed our Podcast so far,
Peace and Love

New Tam O ‘Shanter

Dear Readers,

A few years ago I designed some Tam O ‘Shanters in memory of my Grandmother who passed away in 2019. One of them I called Margareet in Stripes and I wear it a lot. I love the way it fits and for a lot of occasions I love the cheery colourfulness. However I do find that some times I am looking for something more subtle, so I have decided to knit myself a new one in black.

Continue reading “New Tam O ‘Shanter”


Reposting this beautiful tribute to my late Granny on her birthday. We prefer to celebrate her birthday rather than the day of her passing.

Happy Birthday Mom, 20 10 2022 Dear Mom, I miss you since you died, 3 years ago – I missed you even before you died, for several years when you went deaf and we could no longer have our conversations. Your being deaf was a barrier to our wonderful conversations about life. I miss our […]
